Our new artwork for our 'bar area wan't something that we were looking for, but it just happened to come to us, literally, in this holiday Crate and Barrel mailing!
Paging through Crate & Barrel catalogs and seeing how they decorate and entertain is my most favorite thing ever. I try to save them to look through with a glass of wine, but I usually end up looking at them in the garage standing up against the trunk of my car after getting the mail--can't even wait to get in the house!
Among the pages of great product that I can't help but want, the holiday catalog had a whole page featuring this diagram of 'The Very Many Varieties of Beer', which even lists brands of each type of beer, from microbrews to Keystone light.
I though it would make cool artwork for our small bar area in the basement family room. I ripped it out, trimmed the edges, put it on some gold paper and a black mat, put it in a frame I had in the closet, and here it is! The perfect bar area artwork!
This is a very cool idea. Cheap too!